Voices From Care Cymu exists to improve the lives of care experienced children and young people in Wales by being an independent voice for the care community. The things we value are:

Mission & Vision

Being Young-Person Led

Everything VFCC does is guided by care experienced children & young people. Our Board of Trustees is split between young people and professionals and we regularly consult children and young people on issues that are important to them.

Mission & Vision

Equality For Everyone In Care

We believe that care experienced children & young people should have the same chances and opportunities as their non-care experienced peers. They should not have to face stigma, discrimination and barriers in life because of their care experience.

Mission & Vision

Creating A Care Family

VFCC provides the opportunity for care experienced children & young people to meet, grow, learn and develop long lasting friendships.

Mission & Vision

Being Aspirational

VFCC wants care experienced children & young people to be everything that they can be. We want to inspire them and nurture their potential.

Mission & Vision

Celebrating Individuality

VFCC is a unique organisation and we recognise and celebrate the individuality and diversity of the children & young people we work with.